Budget and forecasting – Errors and exaggerations - Solutions
Part 1: Calculating and interpreting absolute, relative and percentage errors
Refer to the data table in The Budget and forecasting data sheet. If possible, use spreadsheets to assist you with the following calculations.
For both the Government revenue and spending calculate the:
Absolute error
Relative error
Percentage error
For both the Government revenue and spending determine:
If the estimate was an overestimate or an…
WorksheetMathematicsYear 9Is that from government?
Drag the picture of the good or service into the correct space.
InteractiveGeneral resourcesManaging your super
What happens when you have super in more than one fund? What happens if you don’t track your super?Part 1: Consolidating your superScenario: EvaEva began her first full-time job one year ago. Her annual salary is $70,000 and her employer contributes $127 a week to super. Before then she worked as a casual waitress and part-time singer. Eva had not thought about super until her friend explained to her that the fees you pay multiply by the number…
InvestigationEconomics & BusinessYear 10Avoid the myths
Avoid the myths – more info on linkOpen in a new window Linked activities:Is this business?Sham contracting
InformationGeneral resourcesThe Australian Taxation System - Solutions
Watch: The Australian Taxation SystemWhat are the 3 levels of Australia’s taxation system?AustralianStateTerritoryHow many different taxes are there?125How many common taxes are there?10How many of these will most people pay?A fewHow is tax revenue collected?Focus questionsAustralian GovernmentState & territory governmentsLocal governments% of total tax revenue80%16%4%Number of taxes100251Major source of tax revenue or examples of…
Video guideEconomics & BusinessYear 8Solutions - template
Content, content, content, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula sed magna ac aliquam. Etiam nec risus nec nunc ultrices congue. Donec a mi eget orci hendrerit accumsan. Cras ac ante at velit fermentum vestibulum. Nam sed aliquet purus. Morbi feugiat vulputate libero ac finibus. Morbi varius lacus turpis, eget cursus orci porttitor a. Maecenas molestie quis justo eu molestie.
Video guideEconomics & BusinessYear 8The Australian Taxation System - Solutions3
The Australian Taxation System - Solutions Watch: The Australian Taxation SystemWhat are the 3 levels of Australia’s taxation system?AustralianStateTerritoryHow many different taxes are there?125How many common taxes are there?10How many of these will most people pay?A fewHow is tax revenue collected?Focus questionsAustralian GovernmentState & territory governmentsLocal governments% of total tax revenue80%16%4%Number of taxes100251Major…
Video guideEconomics & BusinessYear 8