
1789 results

Developing a hypothesis about welfare in Australia

Students develop an initial hypothesis that answers the question: ‘How and why did Australia become a welfare state?’ This activity supports students to develop the skills of establishing hypotheses to guide an inquiry.  
activityHistoryYear 10

Exploring morals and ethical concepts through fables and storytelling

In this set of interconnected learning experiences, students engage with ancient stories to discover the powerful messages they contain. They explore greed versus sharing through examining the choices of characters in fables and by considering what characters ‘ought’ to have done. They explore rights and responsibilities and the lesson of listening to people and respecting their wishes by viewing a creation myth. Students also examine how…
activityEnglishYear 7AC v9.0

Is that from government?

In this digital activity, students sort goods and services into 3 categories; those produced/provided by the private sector, the government or both. The sorting activity supports students to develop an understanding of the difference between private and public goods and why the government intervenes to produce goods and services that are underproduced by the free market.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 8AC v8.4

Who provides the goods and services I need and want

Students explore how the private and public sector answer the fundamental economic questions of “What to produce?”, “How to produce?” and “For whom to produce?”. In doing so, they learn the difference between public and private goods and how the government produces goods and services they need and want.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Consumer decisions and the importance of planning

In this activity, students learn that making informed decisions about what they buy may require developing personal budgets or saving plans. This understanding provides a foundation for learning about superannuation in later years.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Achieving short- and long-term financial objectives

In this activity, students decide if different people are spenders or savers and consider what actions these people may need to take to reach their short- and long-term financial goals. They also take a quiz to learn about their own natural tendencies and to reflect on actions they can take to curb these tendencies. This activity develops student understanding of the concept of saving, both in the short and long term. It provides a strong…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 8AC v9.0

How to choose what to buy

In this activity, students learn to use the PACED grid decision-making strategy to make a personal purchasing decision. In doing so, they explain how making an economic decision involves selecting one alternative over others.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Creating a budget

In this activity students learn that budgeting is a process they can use to achieve short- and long-term financial objectives. They learn the steps involved in developing a budget and practise by developing their own budget, and/or a budget for a hypothetical scenario. In relation to the taxation system, this learning provides a foundation for students to understand how the government uses a federal budget to achieve objectives for the common…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 8AC v9.0
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