
1789 results

Modelling profit and loss with linear and quadratic functions

This set of resources provides opportunities for students to explore linear and quadratic functions and how they can be applied to real-world business situations involving profit and loss. They use linear functions to describe or approximate relationships in the real world and interpret real-world descriptions of business situations to make equations, solve problems and provide business advice.
activityMathematicsYear 9AC v9.0

The Budget and forecasting

This set of resources provides opportunities for students to solve problems involving absolute, relative and percentage errors in the context of the Australian Government Budget. Students will also use and extend their data display and analysis skills to test the veracity of claims and investigate the relationship between data and the mean and median in the context of Budget forecasting errors.
activityMathematicsYear 9AC v9.0

Tax types

This set of resources provides opportunities for students to learn about some of the main types of taxes that the Australian Government levies. They also calculate the average rate of tax to determine whether different taxes are progressive, proportional or regressive and display their findings graphically.
activityMathematicsYear 9AC v9.0

Simple versus compound interest

This set of resources provides opportunities for students to explore the difference between simple and compound interest. Students construct and compare linear and exponential models, interpret expressions for functions in terms of the situation they model and solve problems.
activityMathematicsYear 10AC v9.0

Simple to compound

This set of resources provides opportunities for students to use technology to solve problems involving compound interest in the context of superannuation. Students connect the compound interest formula to repeated applications of simple interest.
activityMathematicsYear 10AC v9.0

Watch your super grow

This resource provides opportunities for students to use technology to solve problems involving compound interest in the context of superannuation. Students simple and compound interest formulas to explore how super grows.
activityMathematicsYear 10AC v9.0

Planning for a comfortable retirement

In this activity, students learn factors that affect super balances at retirement, including consolidating their super funds, making super contributions and extending their working life. They also explore how much super they need to live comfortably in retirement and the steps they need to take to achieve this.
activityMathematicsYear 10AC v9.0

Graphing and analysing the distribution of superannuation data

This set of resources provides opportunities for students to construct and analyse appropriate data displays to compare data distributions for continuous numerical variables as well as identify the association between 2 variables. They will use technology (spreadsheets) to assist in their calculations and investigate the different ways of representing distributions in the real-world context of superannuation.
activityMathematicsYear 10AC v9.0
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