
1789 results

Why do we need government hospitals?

Through taxation spending, the Australian Government supports the public hospital system. Healthcare is one of the services that requires government intervention to ensure access for all Australians. In this activity, students work in groups to consider why we need public hospitals and predict what would happen to both the health system and tax spending if the government no longer funded the public hospital system.
activityEconomicsSenior secondary

Is that government?

In this activity, students learn how each of the 3 levels of government (federal, state and local) charges taxes (and fees, fines and charges). They investigate the size and composition of tax revenue by all levels of government.
activityEconomicsSenior secondary

Governments and opportunity cost

In this hands-on activity, students apply the concept of opportunity cost to government decisions about how to spend tax revenue.
activityEconomicsSenior secondary

Influences on consumer and business behaviour

In this activity, students read an article on economic behaviour by Ross Gittens and analyse his arguments on factors that influence consumer decisions. Students are also given the opportunity to investigate government policies or regulations designed to influence the decisions of individuals or businesses.
activityEconomicsSenior secondary

The Australian taxation system

Students learn about the size and composition of tax revenue and spending by all levels of government in Australia. They consider how all 3 levels of government in Australia work together to provide the goods and services Australians need.
activityEconomicsSenior secondary

Using taxes to manage the economy

In this activity, students explore how the government can alter the level of economic activity (total spending in the economy) by changing the rates of the various types of taxes that consumers and businesses are required to pay. They predict the effect of a reduction in various tax rates on the level of economic activity and on key economic goals including low inflation, low unemployment and a sustainable rate of economic growth.
activityEconomicsSenior secondary

Government services and liveability in the local area

Students explore liveability in their local community. They use a map to investigate and locate the services provided by all levels of government and collaboratively complete a PMI chart to suggest additional services that their local area might need to improve liveability. This activity focuses on the geographical concepts of place, space, interconnection, sustainability and change.
activityGeographyYear 7AC v8.4

Types and sources of income

Students learn about the various types of employment and ways of earning an income in Australia, including earned and unearned income and income from government pensions and allowances. They investigate the relative significance of different sources of income and interpret data to identify trends over time.
activityEconomicsSenior secondary
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