
1789 results

Ethical super funds

Students may have to choose a super fund when they are over 18 years of age, or even sooner if they work for more than 30 hours a week. This can be a difficult decision, with so many options to choose from. This activity enables students to understand that such a choice can have short- and long-term consequences for themselves, the environment and society.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 10AC v8.4

ATO scams - a case study

Threat-based impersonation scams are on the rise. Many organisations, such as the ATO are especially vulnerable to impersonation scams. This activity uses ATO scams as a case study to demonstrate the risk that impersonation scams pose to students’ identity and financial security and what they might do to prevent becoming victims of impersonation scams.
activityNSW CommerceStage 5

Business structures

Students learn about the different business structures that exist and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. They develop and apply criteria, including tax implications, to decide which business structure is more suitable in different scenarios.
activityNSW CommerceStage 5

You make the decision

In this activity, students take on the role of the Treasurer and make decisions on how to spend taxpayers’ money. Through engaging in the interactive, they learn how different organisations and groups lobby the government for funding. They also learn that government funds are limited and, in order to keep the federal Budget balanced, additional spending will mean either an increase in taxes or a reduction in spending elsewhere. Students…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 10AC v8.4

Government support for further training

At this year level, students are beginning to consider what they will do when they leave school, and whether their choices will include further training or study. In this activity, students learn that if they choose to undertake future training or study, there are a number of loans available from the Australian Government to help them. They explore the loans that are available and the process of repayment through the taxation system.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 10AC v8.4

Using a SWOT analysis to make a business decision

Students learn to use a SWOT analysis to select a hypothetical business to start. In doing so, they identify external opportunities and threats such as the target market, location, demographics and competition.
activityNSW CommerceStage 5

Playing the long game

In this activity students learn that superannuation is money put aside for their retirement and begin to understand that being informed can make a difference to their long-term financial wellbeing.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 10AC v8.4

Planning for business success

Students learn why business planning is important to business success and the components of a business plan. They apply their knowledge by developing a business plan for a hypothetical business. This learning provides an important foundation for understanding government as an external factor affecting businesses.
activityNSW CommerceStage 5
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