
1789 results

How is business tax collected?

Students explore how business tax is reported and collected through business activity statements. They apply their understanding by completing a BAS for a hypothetical business.
activityNSW CommerceStage 5

The sharing economy and the changing nature of work

Students learn about the sharing economy and use it as a case study to investigate the changing nature of work.
activityNSW CommerceStage 5

Dispute resolution and the ATO

Students investigate the dispute resolution processes of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and develop advice for individuals or small businesses seeking to resolve tax disputes.
activityNSW CommerceStage 5

The taxation system and a 'fair go'

Students explore the basic structure of the Australian income tax system and start to form views about the fairness of a progressive income tax system. They review aspects of the system to understand how tax is collected and how the income tax system is designed to support Australians and promote a ‘fair go’.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 7AC v8.4

Governments and the external operating environment

Students examine the role of governments when planning and operating a small business, such as the opportunities and threats that stem from government action and policies. They also explore the government organisations that provide support and advice to small businesses.
activityNSW CommerceStage 5

Legal obligations in relation to tax and super

In this jigsaw activity, students investigate the legal obligations that businesses have in relation to tax and super, including the collecting, reporting and payment of tax and super.
activityBusinessSenior secondary

Making laws with a case study of tax

Students explore the relationship between voters in a representative democracy, the ways laws are made, and the process of a bill becoming a law from the stage of an idea to Royal Assent. They participate in a mock parliamentary debate on a tax bill in order to understand the nature of parliamentary debates.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 8AC v8.4

Tax systems and quality of life

Students consider how valid tax revenue comparisons are able to be made across countries and draw conclusions about the correlation between tax revenue and the quality of life of a country’s population.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 10AC v8.4
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