
1789 results

SSBU4.1.1 QLD mapping

BUSINESS Unit 1: Business Creation  Topic 1: Fundamentals of business Explain: legal ownership structures of business, including sole trader, partnership, private company and public company. create responses to communicate strategic planning to a range of stakeholders, e.g. - paragraph responses - visual representations (diagrams, graphs, tables or analytical tools) - extended response (written, spoken or multimodal presentations).

SSBU4.1.1 SA mapping

BUSINESS INNOVATION Start-up business Finding and solving problems collect and analyse information and feedback to inform the iterative process of proposing, developing, and testing solutions Financial awareness and decision-making analyse and respond to information that confirms or denies their initial hypotheses and assumptions explore and use decision-making strategies in a start-up business environment Business information and…

SSBU4.1.1 Tasmania mapping

BUSINESS STUDIES FOUNDATION An Introduction to Business Environments  Small business ownership Business knowledge Forms – sole trader, partnership and small proprietary company . Characteristics Business reasoning Advantages and disadvantages of each form. Business decision making Most appropriate ownership structure depends on a particular context.

SSBU4.1.1 Victoria mapping

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Unit 1: Planning a Business Area of Study 3: Internal environment Outcome 3 describe the internal business environment and analyse how factors from within it may affect business planning. Key knowledge types of legal business structures such as sole trader, partnership, private limited company, public listed company and the factors affecting choice of business structure Key skills research and analyse case…

SSBU4.1.1 WA mapping

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE GENERAL Unit 1 Environments classification of businesses sole traders partnerships private companies not-for-profit organisations franchises Unit 3 Environments types of business ownership in small to medium enterprises (SMEs) sole traders partnerships small proprietary companies not-for-profit organisations franchises

SSBU5.1.1 ACT mapping

BUSINESS A Course Concepts and principles apply mathematical concepts in business situations(BUSA06) apply relevant business ideas, practices, and concepts (BUSA07) Nature and purpose of business examine the nature and role of business and enterprise (BUSA08) apply business and financial strategies to business situations (BUSA09) Types and forms describe types and forms of business activity and business issues (BUSA10) Inquiry…

SSBU5.1.1 NSW mapping

BUSINESS STUDIES Nature of Business Students learn about: types of businesses legal structure – sole trader, partnership, private company, public company, government enterprise factors influencing choice of legal structure Business Planning Students learn about: Small to medium enterprises influences in establishing a small to medium enterprise taxation – federal and state taxes, local rates and charges FINANCE Students…

SSBU5.1.1 QLD mapping

BUSINESS Topic 1: Fundamentals of business Explain legal ownership structures of business, including sole trader, partnership, private company and public company business goals, including profitability, market share, employment, societal needs and wants, sustainability and growth internal, operating and macro environmental factors including political and ethical forces create responses to communicate strategic planning to a range of…
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