
1789 results

SSEC8.1.1 ACT mapping

ECONOMICS Unit 2: Economics Unit 3: Economics Market Failure Macroeconomic Issues Macroeconomic Theories    A Course Concepts and principles examine principles, structure and operation of economic models (ECOA03). Nature and purpose of economics explain the economic role of individuals, firms, institutions, markets and governments (ECOA06). Types and forms explain the consequences of contemporary economic issues on…

SSHP2.1.1 QLD mapping

HEALTH Unit 1: Resilience as a personal health resource Analyse and interpret information about resilience in a personal health context. Investigate and synthesise information to develop an action strategy to influence resilience in a personal health context. Evaluate and reflect on implemented action strategies related to resilience in a personal health context to justify recommendations that mediate, advocate and enable health promotion…

SSHP2.1.1 Tasmania mapping

Health Studies Unit 1: Introduction to Health Health promotion Health issues Unit 2: Personal Health Risk-taking behaviours Issues for young people Personal and social responsibility Learner investigation Unit 3: Australian Health Factors influencing Australian’s health Community resources and services Major Causes of Morbidity and Mortality Australia’s health care system Groups experiencing inequality in health status…

SSEC8.1.1 NSW mapping

ECONOMICS Topic 3: Markets Students learn to: Examine economic issues identify reasons why government may intervene in certain markets. Students learn about: Demand and supply Alternatives to market solutions the role of government (market failure – merit goods, public goods, externalities). Topic 6: Government and the Economy  Students learn to: Examine economic issues assess the need for government intervention in a…

SSBU2.1.1 Victoria mapping

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Unit 1: Planning a Business  Area of Study 1 The business idea Outcome 1 describe how and why business ideas are created and developed, and explain the methods by which a culture of business innovation and entrepreneurship may be fostered in a nation. Key knowledge sources of business opportunity such as innovation and entrepreneurship, recognising and taking advantage of market opportunities, changing…

SSBU2.1.1 WA mapping

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE – GENERAL COURSE Unit 1 Environments reasons for starting a business, including: concept of entrepreneurship Unit 2 People enterprising traits, including: risk taking optimism creativity perseverance characteristics of entrepreneurs, including: responsible risk taker resilience self-confidence.

SSBU3.1.1 ACT mapping

BUSINESS A Course The nature of business (small business) Concepts and principles apply relevant business ideas, practices, and concepts (BUSA07). Nature and purpose of business examine the nature and role of business and enterprise (BUSA08). apply business and financial strategies to business situations (BUSA09). Types and forms describe types and forms of business activity and business issues (BUSA10). Issues, perspectives…

SSBU3.1.1 NSW mapping

BUSINESS STUDIES Nature of Business Students learn about: types of businesses legal structure – sole trader, partnership, private company, public company, government enterprise factors influencing choice of legal structure. BUSINESS PLANNING Students learn to: examine contemporary business issues to: discuss the influence of government on SMEs. Students learn about: influences in establishing a small to medium…
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