
1789 results

Managing your tax and super online

This activity introduces students to myGov, a simple and secure platform to access government services online, including the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Setting up a myGov account and linking to the ATO enables students to meet their tax obligations and manage their superannuation, now and in the future. If appropriate, and with parent permission, students are invited to set up a myGov account at home. 
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 10AC v9.0

Superannuation and your rights

In this activity, students are introduced to the concept of superannuation and their rights in relation to super. They learn that if they are eligible for the superannuation guarantee, their boss must pay the right amount into the right account. They also learn what to do if their boss isn’t paying super on their behalf.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 10AC v9.0

Setting financial goals

In this activity, students learn how to set SMART financial goals for short- and long-term financial decisions. Understanding how to set and track goals is important learning for all students. It supports students to build their personal capability and sets the foundation for forming life-long habits that will support them to plan for success. This learning provides a foundation for students understanding the importance of establishing long-term…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v8.4

Basic economic problem

Students learn about the basic economic problem, the fundamental economic question and why and how choices involve opportunity costs and trade-offs. They apply this understanding to decide the opportunity cost and trade-offs of decisions, including government decisions.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Strategic thinking skills of entrepreneurs – SWOT analysis

Entrepreneurs are always looking for new methods to fulfil their business goals and enhance operations, and a SWOT analysis is a fantastic approach to get started. Students learn that a SWOT analysis is a key strategic tool used by entrepreneurs and apply this strategic thinking to select a hypothetical business to start. In doing so, they deploy the skills demonstrated by entrepreneurs and explain factors that contribute to success, such as…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Government decisions and trade-offs

By playing a game, students develop an understanding of the trade-offs that governments make when they allocate resources and the complexities involved in deciding how to allocate limited resources to serve community needs.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Why businesses exist and how they are structured

Students investigate why businesses exist and the different ways they can be structured. They develop and apply criteria, including tax implications, to decide which business structure is more suitable in different scenarios.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Characteristics of entrepreneurs

Students consider where their own strengths lie and identify actions they could take to strengthen the qualities they need to achieve their ambitions. They also explore entrepreneurial characteristics and explain how these characteristics contribute to business or personal success.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0
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