
1789 results

Making laws with a case study of tax

Students learn about how government is formed, including the role of political parties and independents. They explore the relationship between voters in a representative democracy, the ways laws are made, and the process of a Bill becoming a law from the stage of an idea to Royal Assent. They participate in a mock parliamentary debate on a tax Bill in order to understand the nature of parliamentary debates.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 8AC v9.0

Tax spending and our sense of community

Students explore and identify knowledge, qualities and characteristics that underpin an Australian sense of community. They research examples of the use of government revenue to develop community identity and cohesion and explain factors that contribute to people’s sense of belonging.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 8AC v9.0

Entrepreneurial capabilities

Students consider where their own strengths lie and identify actions they could take to strengthen the qualities they need to achieve their ambitions. They also explore entrepreneurial capabilities and explain how these capabilities contribute to business or personal success. 
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v8.4

How policies are shaped with a case study of superannuation

Students consider the reasons for superannuation and why employers are required to make compulsory payments to each worker’s superannuation account. They explore issues of fairness for women and men in the outcomes of Australia’s superannuation system and, as a way of appreciating how Australia’s democratic processes are designed to allow many voices to be heard, they experience the role and operation of the Australian House of Representatives…
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 9AC v9.0

How tax contributes to community and civic life

Students consider the importance of people as models to be emulated in a productive society and they explore the role of government in acknowledging and promoting such models. They form views on the social importance of tax-funded award systems that recognise contributions made to the community and civic life and they examine the role of government in providing taxpayer grants and services that enable people to contribute.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 9AC v9.0

Values of democracy and the tax system

Students examine and clarify their personal views on the values that underpin Australian democracy. They investigate the fairness of the taxation system in relation to an individual’s life situation and their capacity to contribute to the common good. Students also compare the values of the taxation system with the values of Australian democracy.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 10AC v9.0

Tax systems and quality of life

Students consider how valid tax revenue comparisons are able to be made across countries and draw conclusions about the correlation between tax revenue and the quality of life of a country’s population.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 10AC v9.0

International obligations and tax spending

Students explore reasons why Australia’s aid program extends further than assisting people in crisis situations and aims to build human capital for countries to become economically independent. Students consider circumstances in countries across the globe where people would benefit from Australian aid and they explain strategic benefits to Australia of using tax revenue to fund particular aid projects. They participate in mock parliamentary…
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 10AC v9.0
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