
1789 results

Earning an income

In this activity, students investigate how people earn an income, why people work and the different types of work that exist. They also learn that people who earn money may be liable to pay tax and the difference between gross and net income. As part of this activity, students are required to construct a questionnaire and survey members of the school and if possible, the broader community. 
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Entrepreneurs and record keeping

Students engage in a hypothetical dog-walking business to practise keeping a business journal and explain how, as entrepreneurs, they can use this information to improve their business’s performance and achieve business success. They learn that gathering data and using it to inform business decisions is a fundamental process of entrepreneurship. This includes keeping and analysing business records. This activity provides a foundation for…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v9.0

Achieving short and long-term financial objectives

In this activity, students decide if different people are spenders or savers and consider what actions these people may need to take to reach their short- and long-term financial goals. They also take a quiz to learn about their own natural tendencies and to reflect on actions they can take to curb these tendencies. This activity develops student understanding of the concept of saving, both in the short and long term. It provides a strong…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 8AC v9.0

Setting financial goals to manage risks and rewards

In this activity, students learn how to set SMART short- and long-term financial goals and consider why it is important to set financial goals to manage financial risks and rewards. Understanding how to set and track goals is important learning for all students. It supports students to build their personal capability and sets the foundation for forming life-long habits that will support them to plan for success. This learning provides a…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v9.0

Characteristics of successful businesses

Students develop a basic understanding of the indicators of business success in relation to each business function, such as meeting tax obligations as part of operational management.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v8.4

Scams and identity theft

As the world becomes more and more digitised, the prevalence of scams has also increased. Scams, including identity theft, present a significant risk to people’s financial situations. In this activity students explore identity theft and how they can manage the risk of identity theft by protecting their personal information, including their TFN. 
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v9.0

ATO scams – a case study

Threat-based impersonation scams are on the rise. Many organisations, such as the ATO are especially vulnerable to impersonation scams. This activity uses ATO scams as a case study to demonstrate the risk that impersonation scams pose to students’ identity and financial security and what they might do to prevent becoming victims of impersonation scams.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v9.0

Managing financial shocks

In this activity, students learn that they will experience unexpected events in their lives which may put them under short- and long-term financial stress. They learn that one way to prepare for these unexpected events is by developing a savings buffer, or an emergency savings fund. This activity develops student understanding of the concept of preparing for future events. It provides a strong foundation for understanding the importance of…
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v9.0
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