
1789 results

Tax systems, democracy, and human rights

Students explore the relationship between democracy, freedoms and human rights. They extend this understanding further by considering the role of a country’s tax system in supporting freedoms and human rights and in sustaining democracy and promoting equality.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 10AC v9.0

Influences on government policy and the media

Students explore how groups and outside bodies sometimes seek to influence government policies for their own purposes. They learn about media ownership and influence and explore the role of misinformation, disinformation and fake news in influencing and shaping public opinion, particularly in relation to shaping identity and attitudes to diversity.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 9AC v9.0

Income tax and welfare in Australia, then and now

Students explore continuity and change in relation to tax collection and the provision of welfare since Federation. They consider the historical significance of the Commonwealth’s introduction of income tax during World War I, including its relationship to the welfare system Australia currently enjoys. Students write an evidenced-based explanation and a bibliography. 
activityHistoryYear 9AC v9.0

Critical evaluation of sources

Students analyse a range of primary and secondary sources related to everyday life and welfare during the Great Depression, World War II and Post World War II. For each source, they identify the intended purpose and audience, the creator’s perspectives, values and motives and evaluate its usefulness and reliability. 
activityHistoryYear 10AC v9.0

Continuity and change in everyday life

Students explore continuity and change in everyday life in the time period between the Great Depression and Post World War II. They sort sources in chronological order and categorise them into aspects of life. Students then compare aspects of life before and after World War II to draw conclusions about what aspects of life changed and what aspects remained the same. This activity supports students to use sources to think historically.  
activityHistoryYear 10AC v9.0

Earning an income

In this activity, students investigate how people earn an income, why people work and the different types of work that exist. They also learn that people who earn money may be liable to pay tax and the difference between gross and net income. As part of this activity, students are required to construct a questionnaire and survey members of the school and if possible, the broader community. 
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 7AC v8.4

Perspectives on welfare for the unemployed

Students analyse a range of primary sources to explore the various perspectives on the unemployed that existed during the Great Depression and World War II. They examine how and why views about the role of the State in providing welfare changed during this period. 
activityHistoryYear 10AC v9.0

Causes and effects of changes to the welfare system

Students explore what life was like in the period leading up to World War II and examine sources to identify the possible causes and effects of changes to the welfare system in the period between the Great Depression and the present day. They write a bibliography listing the primary and secondary sources they consulted and develop an evidenced-based explanation of the causes and effects of changes to Australia’s welfare system.
activityHistoryYear 10AC v9.0
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