
1789 results

Tax spending

This activity introduces students to the concept of a federal Budget and how the government uses tax revenue to fund goods and services that promote the living standards of all Australians. Students interpret budget data to develop hypotheses and arguments on reasons for budgetary changes over time.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 10AC v9.0

Investment risks and rewards

There are both risks and rewards associated with all investments. In this activity, students explore different investment asset classes and interpret data to draw conclusions about the relationship between risk and reward. They apply their learning to develop investment advice for people with different circumstances.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v9.0

Saving versus investing

In this activity, students explore whether they should save or invest their money and the risks and rewards associated with each option. They consider the trade-offs associated with each and consider what they would do if they had spare money to put aside.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 9AC v9.0

Managing your spending

Students learn the steps they can take to manage their spending and track their spending using a diary. They learn that having a spending plan can support them to live within their means or even save. From a superannuation perspective, this activity provides a foundation for understanding that a spending plan can affect their long-term financial position.
activityEconomics & BusinessYear 8AC v9.0

Tax, services and the division of power

Students learn about the roles and responsibilities of the 3 levels of government, including the division of powers. They explore these responsibilities in relation to the collection of tax and the services that each level of government provides to the community. They consider the types of competing issues that influence how government revenue is spent and how consensus is reached on a course of action relating to the distribution of revenue for…
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 7AC v9.0

Tax and community cohesion

Students explore how past actions and events influence people today and how governments use tax revenue for the commemoration of events that should remain part of Australia’s collective memory. They consider the importance of respect, responsibility and compassion in valuing Australia’s First Nations peoples and in developing a cohesive Australian society.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 7AC v9.0

The taxation system and a ‘fair go’

Students explore the basic structure of the Australian income tax system and start to form views about the fairness of a progressive income tax system. They review aspects of the system to understand how tax is collected and how the income tax system is designed to support Australians and promote a ‘fair go’.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 7AC v9.0

The Budget - Getting the balance right for voters

Students explore the role of elected representatives in making decisions and governing on our behalf. They consider how a family budget is similar to a government budget, noting that the amount of tax collected by government relates to the amount of money it can spend. They identify and explain factors that influence government spending and voting intentions.
activityCivics & CitizenshipYear 8AC v9.0
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